EVENT | August Meeting

 Tuesday 13th 6pm! 
Picnic and Planning Chat

Let's have a feast and see what the garden is needing, have a chat about our plans for the space and all :) 

New and Old faces and ideas welcome - come along and share your story and vision for the garden. 
If you aren't able to make it feel free to email your ideas to willowbankgarden@gmail.com

Fear not! There will be more meetings like this in the month in preparation for our open day in September,

Short and sweet planning chat but foodie rambles may rattle on... 

Please bring a dish to share and maybe a blanket too to sit on. 

If its raining, we can move to a cafe near by...

UPDATE | August

The King Carrots are happy with the Nasturtiums - the bees love the colourful flowers and we love the peppery leaves in our salads. The lessons of a willowbanker - We need to remember to not plant as many nasturtiums next year though so that they don't need as much pruning.... 

Our first courgette - thanks to Clara for giving this plant to the garden for us to look after 

Our friends the nettle and clover growing by the fruit trees - we will be transplanting the fruit trees into bigger containers in the fall.... 

Fresh organic peas and fuchsias

Garden meeting to be announced for late August. 
Open day to be scheduled for mid September - 
Job opportunity coming up for Glasgow University Students 
watch this space!