REMEMBER | locavore

{ via lexicon of sustainability }

Jessica Prentice created the term LOCAVORE in 2005. According to her, the term means …a person who bases their diet on foods that are grown or produced in the geographic region where they live, are in touch with the seasonality of their food systems and seek to cultivate relationships with local producers and processors. Locavores also have some kind of hands-on interaction with their food (cooking, gardens, baking, fermenting) either domestically or professionally.

WATCH | food inc.

{ Robert Kenner | USA 2008 }
via IMDb

❝ Hungry for Change In Food, Inc., filmmaker Robert Kenner lifts the veil on our nation's food industry, exposing the highly mechanized underbelly that has been hidden from the American consumer with the consent of our government's regulatory agencies, USDA and FDA. Our nation's food supply is now controlled by a handful of corporations that often put profit ahead of consumer health, the livelihood of the American farmer, the safety of workers and our own environment. We have bigger-breasted chickens, the perfect pork chop, herbicide-resistant soybean seeds, even tomatoes that won't go bad, but we also have new strains of E. coli—the harmful bacteria that causes illness for an estimated 73,000 Americans annually. We are riddled with widespread obesity, particularly among children, and an epidemic level of diabetes among adults.Take part

HOW TO | build mobile composting beds

{ NORMADISCH GRÜN 2012:115 }

2 bread crates, cardboard, big scissors, light cuttings, mature compost, semi-mature compost, topsoil

Lower crate
1. Enforce crate walls with cardboard to prevent dehydration.
2. Fill up lower crate with twigs and branches from deciduous trees (wood from conifers is to acidic!!), continue with a layer semi-mature compost. This should create a tiny mound in the end.

Upper crate
3. Fill up with mature compost and finish with a layer of a few inches of topsoil.
The bed is made up of two crate systems - an upper crate filled with almost mature soil and a lower one containing compost in the stage to rot. Pile up both crates so that the soil from both crates is connected and the worms are able to move from one crat to another.

Requires large amounts of water and plenty of times as the wholes in the crate’s walls allow the water to evaporate quickly. Plant nasturtium along the bed’s edges to prevent massive evaporation.

Refill the compost in the lower crate every other month to ensure exchange between the mature and semi-mature soils. This replaces any fertilizing.

{ via gartendeck blog }

REMEMBER | potato varieties

{ a project by Åsa Sonjasdotter }
❝ A survey of potato varieties prohibited within the EU for commercial circulation. Most of these old and new varieties are bred by farmers for small-scale use and do not meet EU regulations on Distinctiveness, Uniformity and Stability, the so-called DUS criteria, which were developed for industrial farming needs. The potatoes are presented in chronological order with a related narrative on the cultural/ historical/ economic context in which the varieties were bred. Together these prohibited varieties tell a story of how potatoes came to be regulated in Europe. The survey ranges from 1587 (the earliest documentation of the potato in Europe after its introduction from the Americas), to 2010 (when farmer Karsten Ellenberg in Barum, Germany breeds new varieties for small-scale farmers, bypassing the industry’s need for DUS criteria).

p.s. Check out page 14 for Arran Victory.

EVENT | first site meeting !!10am!!

WATCH | we feed the world

Essen global | Erwin Wagenhofer | AT 2005 }
 via IMDb

❝ WE FEED THE WORLD is a film about food and globalisation, fishermen and farmers, long-distance lorry drivers and high-powered corporate executives, the flow of goods and cash flow–a film about scarcity amid plenty. With its unforgettable images, the film provides insight into the production of our food and answers the question what world hunger has to do with us.We Feed The World

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