REMEMBER | potato varieties

{ a project by Åsa Sonjasdotter }
❝ A survey of potato varieties prohibited within the EU for commercial circulation. Most of these old and new varieties are bred by farmers for small-scale use and do not meet EU regulations on Distinctiveness, Uniformity and Stability, the so-called DUS criteria, which were developed for industrial farming needs. The potatoes are presented in chronological order with a related narrative on the cultural/ historical/ economic context in which the varieties were bred. Together these prohibited varieties tell a story of how potatoes came to be regulated in Europe. The survey ranges from 1587 (the earliest documentation of the potato in Europe after its introduction from the Americas), to 2010 (when farmer Karsten Ellenberg in Barum, Germany breeds new varieties for small-scale farmers, bypassing the industry’s need for DUS criteria).

p.s. Check out page 14 for Arran Victory.